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    Unlock access to MasterClass ™: a globally renowned learning platform that allows individuals to learn from the greatest minds anytime, anywhere, at your own pace. As a benefit to your purchase, not only will you have access to 100’s of courses taught by world renowned leaders, you will also unlock 3 exclusive Signature Programs (MasterClass at Work ™) that are designed to meet you where you are in your career and take you to the next level. Advancing Core Skills: Best suited for those experiencing career transitions, returning to the workforce and early career professionals, this course covers the skills and mindsets needed to unlock opportunities for growth, communicate effectively and overcoming adversity. Management Fundamentals: Best suited for new and aspiring managers, this program covers key skills needed to run effective meetings, facilitate collaboration, engage and motivate, deliver actionable feedback to individuals, time prioritization and making decisions. Next-Level Leadership: Best suited for senior managers, directors and executives, this course focuses on the advanced sills required to better define and execute a strategic vision, spur innovation, make informed decisions, and foster belonging and inclusion among employees. Upon purchase, your license will be activated on the 1st of the following month and you will receive communications from the HBA and MasterClass (TM) on the registration process. Member Price: $200; €194.
